The Guerrilla Guide to Legal Research: Finding the Law for Non-Lawyers Now Available

It has been a long, exhausting road on this book. It was written, rewritten, and then almost completely scrapped and started again.

Legal research is an incredibly dry topic and is hard to explain in a book format. Most law schools insist that this be one of the first classes you take, but the textbook is either non-existent or not used.

To prepare for this one I bought a number of books by other publishers to see what  they covered and how they covered it.  I quickly found that in a 300 page book there might be 30 pages of usable material. All the rest of it was exercises, blank pages for exercises, and, to be honest, bullshit.

If you are representing yourself and have legal research questions, what you need is a basic knowledge of what the terms mean and then a place you can do the research. You don't care about how they did legal research in England in the 1600s, you don't care about how it used to be done, and you don't need a lot of extra pages to get in the way of the information.

I usually am a "putter inner" when I write a book. I write it and then go back and add things that I think might be interesting. In this case I took the opposite approach and cut, cut, cut.

What we ended up with is a book on legal research that is designed for people who are not lawyers.  You don't have all day to mess with unimportant information and that provides a good concept of where to do the research.

I am pretty proud of the end product and think it is the best guide to legal research that is available today. If you are looking for a book with lots of pages, this isn't it. If you are looking for a book with lots of important information, we have that book.

Is it perfect? Noting is perfect. If you purchase the Guerrilla Guide to Legal Research: Finding the Law for Non-Lawyers and think that something is missing, drop us an email and I will add a section or make edits to cover that area and then send you a copy of the updated book free.

Using this guide you will have access to the same cases and the same statutes that the lawyers have access to, but for free! This will allow you to do research on your own, at no cost, and when it is convenient for you. In addition, the book is filled with tips and warnings about what people do wrong when doing their research, allowing you to avoid mistakes that are embarrassing at best and can be fatal to your case at worst.

As usual, the Guerrilla Guides are only available in an ebook format so that we can keep the costs down. It is available at for the Kindle, for the PDF (which allows printing), and will be available in a couple of days at for the Nook. It is not necessary to actually purchase one of these e-readers, all three of these formats have readers available for your computer at no charge.

1 Comment on "The Guerrilla Guide to Legal Research: Finding the Law for Non-Lawyers Now Available"

  1. I need information about “constructive eviction”

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